Bynder Connect Global User Conference | 25-26 September, Amsterdam NL

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Transform your entire enterprise content lifecycle with AI and DAM

Attend this webinar to learn: 

  • How has AI amplified the capabilities of a martech stack?
  • What role can AI and DAM play in content repurposing and personalizing content experiences?
  • The importance of AI guidelines — and how to put the guardrails in place
  • How both AI and DAM can positively impact how you manage content
  • What's next for AI and its role in content creation?

The focus from marketing leaders on 'content creation' has truly exploded in the last five years, with content production increasing by 56%* in the past 12 months alone.

What's the leading catalyst behind this growth? AI/generative AI tools like ChatGPT and Bard — and the countless possibilities they bring to the content production process.

And, content growth is only set to snowball further (we predict by as much as 67% by 2030) as AI becomes entrenched, by default, into organizations' content operations. This presents new challenges from an asset management point of view because with more content creation comes the need for more assets to support it.

To put this in perspective: we anticipate that an extra 12 million assets will be required in the next year to match the levels of content creation required by enterprise marketers.

Fortunately, AI has opened the door to enhancing various aspects of the content lifecycle; not least in terms of how content is managed and distributed.

The challenge facing enterprises now is deciding how to successfully harness these new AI superpowers and embed them in the content lifecycle process — and, with 75% of C-suite executives believing that if they don’t scale AI in the next five years they risk going out of business**, it's a challenge that can't be ignored.

The good news is that the right supporting AI technologies — like Bynder's AI-powered DAM — already exist to help you with your digital transformation journey.

Join us for an exclusive fireside chat with martech heavyweights and globally recognized industry voices Noz Urbina and Carlos Doughty — they'll be covering everything you need to know, and unpack some real-life case studies to help you visualize what's possible with AI and DAM.

Don't miss this unique opportunity to hear directly from two global experts in this field.

*Stat from: Bynder's Content Marketing Trends Survey 
**Stat from: Accenture's AI: Built to Scale research


Carlos Doughty

Carlos DoughtyLinkedIn
CEO & Founder

With nearly two decades of growth, marketing, and sales experience, Carlos is the Founder and CEO of LXA Group (previously MarTech Alliance).

His expertise spans from training global brands including HSBC, Uber, and Paramount on all things martech and marketing to leading and consulting on digital transformation programmes for organizations ranging from start-ups to enterprise level.

Carlos's deep knowledge of everything from AI to automation, enablement to activation, data to DX, and martech to salestech means that he's a regular keynote speaker at marketing and tech events across the globe.


Noz Urbina

Noz UrbinaLinkedIn
Urbina Consulting

Noz Urbina is a globally recognised leader in the content strategy space and customer experience. He is Co-Founder and Programme Director of OmnichannelX, and co-author of “Content Strategy: Connecting the dots between business, brand, and benefits”.

Noz's company, Urbina Consulting, works with the world’s largest organisations and most complex content challenges. Clients include Microsoft, Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceuticals, Sanofi Vaccines, Mastercard, Barclays Bank, Abbott Laboratories, and many more.

Hosted by

Dónal Ó Mearáin

Dónal Ó MearáinLinkedIn
Director, Lifecycle Marketing

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