Bynder Connect Global User Conference | 25-26 September, Amsterdam NL

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Geographic Expansion

Entering new markets is never easy. Having the right people, processes and technology in place to facilitate a fiercely consistent brand experience when you enter new markets could be the difference between your brand’s success or your brand’s failure.

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How Bynder helps brands stay consistent while expanding to new markets

Keep the marketing wheel turning across markets

Whether it’s five in the morning in Boston or five in the morning in Berlin, with Bynder the right asset is available 24 hours a day.

  • Onboard new team members quickly across the globe with 24/7 access to your brand’s most important marketing and branding assets
  • Robust user permissions ensure that your employees in various markets only see the content that’s most relevant to them
  • Metadata and taxonomy features help you to enrich and extract important information upon uploading assets to the DAM system so everyone can find what they’re looking for
More on Digital Asset Management
Keep the marketing wheel turning across markets Keep the marketing wheel turning across markets Keep the marketing wheel turning across markets Keep the marketing wheel turning across markets

Support multiple markets with one solution

  • Built-in portal languages creates a localized experience for global users
  • Ability to tag each asset with which market(s) it’s intended for use in
  • Self-service access to assets means no one wastes time asking where content is
More on Digital Asset Management
Support multiple markets with one solution Support multiple markets with one solution Support multiple markets with one solution Support multiple markets with one solution

Keep things relevant and fresh in an ever-changing world

  • Execute a consistent brand across markets by making your brand’s guidelines instantly accessible to everyone
  • Beyond leveraging usage rights alone, provide more specific guidelines around asset creation and usage per market
  • Make updates to your Brand Guidelines in real-time instead of emailing out-of-date brand guidelines in PDF format
More on Brand Guidelines
Keep things relevant and fresh in an ever-changing world Keep things relevant and fresh in an ever-changing world Keep things relevant and fresh in an ever-changing world Keep things relevant and fresh in an ever-changing world

The right content for the right market

  • Localize and create on-brand content for each geographic market with minimal effort.
  • Use a simple approval flow to ensure global and local marketing content is always on-brand
  • Create new on-brand content for your specific region or market in minutes, not hours with our content creation tools
More on Studio
The right content for the right market The right content for the right market The right content for the right market The right content for the right market

How does digital asset management solutions help business growth strategies?

Business growth often includes expanding into new markets and regions, which not only means new opportunities, but also challenges surrounding content management, external collaboration, and brand consistency.

Your digital infrastructure needs to be ready to grow and expand with you. If you’re looking to move into new geographic territories or different consumer demographics, your company will face the pressure of creating and distributing localized and/or personalized content as part of your marketing efforts. Not only that, but you need to ensure you’re promoting a consistent brand image across the various regions.

A centralized digital asset management solution like Bynder is integral to a future-proof business growth strategy, as it allows stakeholders both inside and outside your business to access, manage, and collaborate on all brand assets in one single platform. That means faster time to market, better brand consistency, and streamlined efficiency for your organization and external partners.

For advice on how you can grow a brand with global appeal in a digital-first world, check out our guide: Winning the digital shelf.

What challenges surrounding geographical expansion does digital asset management help solve?

Geographical expansion for modern organizations is inevitably seen as a positive sign of business growth, benefiting from new audiences, increased revenue, and wider brand recognition.

But at the same time, businesses need to think proactively about the various challenges that come with expanding into new markets, i.e. different languages, cultural differences, as well as potential legal and logistical hurdles.

A key challenge which is often overlooked however is how to manage the vast quantities of digital assets, i.e. images, videos, marketing materials, design files—both existing and new—that come with new market expansion, as well as the brand and localization guidelines surrounding their correct usage.

The ability to quickly access, organize, create, and share assets is critical during and after the expansion phase, which is exactly what digital asset management solutions help with. So what challenges surrounding business growth does DAM help alleviate exactly?

Protect brand reputation

It is typical for business growth strategies to include new office locations, new employees, and new partners to do business with. Maintaining control and oversight on how your brand image is communicated and leveraged in new markets is critical in this phase.

Without digital infrastructure like DAM in place, businesses often find that anyone and everyone can upload and access files, which frequently means old files being used, or new assets being used incorrectly.

Control how brand content is used

With DAM, growing companies can better maintain control over their content assets. This ensures a better upload experience with mandatory tagging for easy tracking. It also means that companies can ensure their content is visible/accessible to the right people at the right time with flexible usage rights. Ultimately, the current versions of brand assets can be accessed instantly for integrations and projects/campaigns meaning faster time to market with minimal risk to brand reputation.

Clearer collaboration and visibility

For companies growing fast, there can be too many projects in the approval queue with no visibility into priority. Even simple content that takes a couple of days to create can take months to find its way to the front of the line, get approved, and get published. In fast-paced industries, this can mean content is outdated before it even gets to market.

With project management functionality such as Bynder’s Asset Workflow, you can enable clearer visibility when collaborating on content for a more efficient content lifecycle. With the ability to prioritize requests, track the status of projects, centralize feedback rounds, and see who’s responsible for pending tasks, companies can experience faster and more constructive review cycles with greater transparency across their organization and partner agencies.

For more info on how to improve creative collaboration in the digital sphere, check out our guide for creative project management.

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