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Brand Guidelines

Communicate your brand consistently

We trust what we recognize. Strengthen customer loyalty by creating a digital home for your brand identity, so you can ensure everyone stays on-brand when communicating your brand’s story.

  • Seamlessly integrated with DAM
  • Dynamic and web-based
  • Protect your brand internally & externally
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Communicate your brand consistently

How Bynder’s Brand Guidelines helps boost brand consistency

Centralized and integrated with your DAM

By housing brand guidelines within your DAM, you not only centralize your brand assets, but also the rules around creating and using them.

Any changes made to brand assets in the DAM are immediately reflected in your brand guide too, ensuring everyone is always up-to-date.

Having the guidelines and resources accessible all within one platform makes it easier for people to explore, discover and use our assets, the right way.
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Centralized and integrated with your DAM Centralized and integrated with your DAM Centralized and integrated with your DAM Centralized and integrated with your DAM Centralized and integrated with your DAM Centralized and integrated with your DAM

Web-based for quick access and usage

No more static, out-of-date PDFs. Our dynamic web-based brand guides are easy to configure and globally accessible, so you can ensure both internal and external stakeholders know exactly how to stay on-brand.

Having all our key clients and creative performers logged into the system, it means we can share and produce work collaboratively—reaching the aim of brand consistency across markets.
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Web-based for quick access and usage Web-based for quick access and usage Web-based for quick access and usage Web-based for quick access and usage Web-based for quick access and usage Web-based for quick access and usage

Organize it your way for full control

Create multiple brand guides, add/remove pages, and structure content so that specific users can find and use them, so you can better control your brand image.

Out-of-the-box layouts and widgets also make it easy to create, edit, and distribute your guidelines quickly, removing codependencies on agency partners.

We were looking for a future-proof solution we could grow with to help keep our branding consistent across markets globally.
Five Guys grey
Organize it your way for full control Organize it your way for full control Organize it your way for full control Organize it your way for full control Organize it your way for full control Organize it your way for full control

Brand Guidelines FAQs

What is a brand guide?

A brand guide, also known as brand guidelines or a style guide, offer clearly defined rules on how your brand should be represented publicly. Think of it like a brand ‘rulebook’ that centralizes the overall look and feel of your brand identity – such as its logo, color palettes, typography, tone of voice, and other elements that contribute to your unique brand identity.

By utilizing a brand guide, organizations can help ensure brand consistency and control over how various stakeholders create and communicate brand assets.

Learn more: What are brand guidelines?.

How do you create a brand guide?

Bynder’s Brand Guidelines solution helps organizations create an interactive digital home for their brand guide, centralizing key brand elements such as style guides, legal documents, how-to manuals, creative workflow processes, and more.

Cloud-based and accessed directly from a browser, teams, and external stakeholders can easily centralize and educate everyone on how to create and use on-brand assets. Users can create and edit a configurable set of brand guidelines describing your brand identity and story, making important elements such as fonts, logos, videos, and tone of voice accessible to everyone.

Bynder’s Brand Guidelines are integrated with our digital asset management (DAM) solution, ensuring users will always have the latest version of assets at hand. Any changes made in the DAM will be immediately reflected in the Brand Guidelines module.

Get a quick overview of the key benefits and features: Factsheet: Brand Guidelines.

What is in a brand guide?

Each brand guide is unique, as they differ depending on the organization. But the following brand elements are usually a must-have to include when creating your own brand guide:

  • Mission statement and brand values: This helps readers to better understand the history, positioning, and overall mission of your organization.
  • Logo design and usage: Guidelines on logo usage, including color palettes, file format(s), contexts, spacing, and usage permissions, such as where logos should and shouldn’t appear.
  • Imagery: Iconography, image design elements, and perhaps a style of photography to be used/not used.
  • Fonts: Font styles and text sizes for both print and digital media.
  • Color palette: Preferred color palette information, including CMYK and RGB codes.
  • Tone and grammar: Instructions on the brand tone of voice and rules on grammar.
  • Cards and letterheads: How to use brand templates, also for business cards and letterhead designs.

Effective brand guidelines are those that can be shared and understood easily by anyone involved in communicating your brand—both internally and externally. So it’s recommended that they should be concise, easy to read, and digitally accessible.

For more best practices, read: Four tips to follow when creating your brand guide.

Why are brand guides important?

A brand guide is an essential rulebook on how an organization presents itself to the world, helping to differentiate the brand from competitors. They get everyone—marketers, designers, and agencies—singing from the same song sheet, so your brand can create a distinctive, recognizable, and consistent identity. In summary, here are a few reasons why creating a brand guide is so important:

  • Ensures a single source of truth: Internal and external stakeholders know exactly where to find the latest rules on how to use and communicate brand assets, boosting brand consistency and reducing the likelihood of incorrect and/or outdated branding.
  • Visual brand recognition: By including the do’s and don’ts of a brand’s visual brand identity, it makes it easy for stakeholders to recognize and understand the rules on how a brand should visually be conveyed.
  • Creative efficiency: When designers, marketers, and other stakeholders have access to a brand guide, they can collaborate more efficiently when creating brand assets and marketing materials.
  • Risk mitigation: A brand guide can also serve as a protective measure, ensuring a brand’s identity and assets are used correctly. With guidelines on typography, logo usage, and other visual elements, organizations can prevent the misuse of their brand

What are the benefits of Bynder’s Brand Guidelines solution?

Clear and consistent content creation

Reduce ambiguity and provide clear direction to your teams and partners on how branded assets should be created and communicated with easily accessible, dynamic brand guidelines.

A single source for brand and marketing guidelines

Bynder’s Brand Guidelines are easy to update and customize, so you can quickly adapt to changing consumer expectations, and enable the flexibility needed to keep your team on top of tomorrow’s trends.

That means up-to-date logos, the latest style guide, and a future-proof brand strategy that’s readily available to stakeholders at the click of a button.

Why should you integrate your brand guide with DAM?

Centralizing and digitizing Brand Guidelines within your digital asset management solution (DAM) means that you have a single source of truth not just for your assets, but also for the rules around using and creating them. Brand assets such as logos, fonts and colors along with the instructions are accessible for users and changes can be made easily and quickly. That way, everyone always has access to the most up-to-date assets and knows how to use them correctly.

Connecting your brand guidelines with your DAM gives you extra control regarding how your brand is managed and represented, helping you reduce the risk of brand assets being misused, which can negatively impact your brand image.

How are Bynder’s Brand Guidelines better than using a PDF?

PDFs are static documents that reflect information at a specific point in time, and do not show real-time changes, for example if there’s an update to the brand logo or if brand messaging changes.

PDFs are also more difficult to create, maintain and distribute compared to digital brand guidelines, and you always run the risk that an outdated version is somewhere out there in the world. Making small changes in text or imagery in a PDF is tedious and creates dependencies on other teams or external agencies.

By using Bynder’s Brand Guidelines which are digitized and part of your foundational DAM, everyone has access to the most up-to-date version of all relevant brand elements since the creators of your guidelines can make changes easily and quickly—immediately reflected for all users.

See what Bynder can do for you

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