Bynder Connect Global User Conference | 25-26 September, Amsterdam NL

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Integrating DAM into your tech stack

Using digital asset management (DAM) as the glue between your systems enables a single source of truth and consistency across channels that need access to the same content.
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Why integrate with DAM

For ongoing success, it is important to acquire a highly connectable DAM. By creating more efficient work processes and reducing the likelihood of error, there is more time to focus on core work and business growth.

Integrations icon create and import

Create and import assets

Enable a smooth-operating content lifecycle by connecting your DAM to the sources of your assets, such as creative tools, stock repositories, and project management solutions.

Integrations capture metadata

Capture metadata and enrich assets

Adding information to your assets from tools like Product Information Management (PIM) or usage rights for stock imagery provides the context necessary to find and use them correctly.

Integrations distribute

Distribute and track assets

Smooth distribution of assets for use across Content Management Systems (CMS), Cloud Delivery Networks (CDNs), Social, Video platforms, and more reduces manual error and makes sure the right assets end up in the right place.

Pre-built integrations

Search our marketplace to match our pre-built integrations—including common CMS, PIM, and creative tools—with your technology stack.

Optimize asset delivery with Dynamic Asset Transformation (DAT)

Fully-automated Dynamic Asset Transformation (DAT) removes the need to manually resize and adapt assets and optimizes them for distribution. Reduce bounce rate, boost web page load speeds and much more.
Learn more about DAT

State-of-the-art UI with the Compact View

The Compact View, our pre-built UI component, mirrors Bynder’s powerful search tool to easily fetch assets and import them into another application. Suitable to any system, it helps cut down on custom development resources– saving time, money, and reducing implementation risk.
Go to Compact view
State-of-the-art UI with the Compact View State-of-the-art UI with the Compact View State-of-the-art UI with the Compact View State-of-the-art UI with the Compact View State-of-the-art UI with the Compact View State-of-the-art UI with the Compact View

Developer resources to fit all needs

From pre-built components to RESTful API and SDKs, browse our Developers' portal to find all the tools you need to build successful custom integrations.
Go to Developers portal
Developer resources to fit all needs Developer resources to fit all needs Developer resources to fit all needs Developer resources to fit all needs Developer resources to fit all needs Developer resources to fit all needs

Create and import assets

Capture metadata and enrich assets

Distribute and track assets

When looking at integrations, analytics and the future of our tech stack, we are aiming to build an interconnected digital ecosystem where every system ‘talks to one another’. Bynder is really important in ensuring that the right teams have the right assets in any tool they use.
Hugo Pereira
VP of Growth and Strategy at EVBox

See what Bynder can do for you

Our in-house experts can walk you through everything you need to know.

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